
Bound your tyke's "screen time" TV, PCs, computer games, and so on. Keep up TV out of your tyke's room with the goal that you recognize what he's watching, how much he's viewing, and when he's viewing. Help your tyke pick programs that are ideal for his age and interests. Discover books that expand the learning of projects your youngster appreciates. Record your tyke's most loved shows so she can watch them again and again. Keep in mind that youngsters gain from seeing things more than once. Sit in front of the TV with your tyke when you can so you can help him comprehend what he's seeing and hearing. When you have recorded a program, you can "stop the activity" every now and then and talk about the program with your kid. Utilize the TV guide and help your tyke pick the projects he needs to watch amid the week. After your kid watches a program, urge her to draw a photo about what she saw or listened. Pick programs for your youngster that support innovative and basic thinking and make her need to take in more.